Nowdays, the number of mobile terminals, such as mobile phone and PDA, has already been more than that of telephones. With the fast growth of wireless communication, it has been becoming a hot topic and challenging technology innovation that how to make the mobile terminals access the internet information anytime and anywhere through wireless communication (Mobile internet). WAP(Wireless Application Protocol) is specially designed for mobile terminals and wireless communication and an effective solution to mobile internet. (WAP stack involves multiple protocols and a complete network architecture for delivery of wireless content.) The WAP stack defines a group of protocols. These protocols include Wireless Session Protocol (WSP), Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP), Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP) and Wireless Application Environment (WAE).It is our interest to implement WAP (mainly focus on WSP and WTP) on the basis of Elastos using WAP specifications and Elastos features. We will develop WAP application and design models and make WAP componented. The componented WAP can satisfy wireless communication and possess good encapsulation feature, which will offer users a nice interface and make WAP easy to used.